"Pies jest cnotÄ…, która nie mogÅ‚a zostać czÅ‚owiekiem." Victor Hugo
Kilka sÅ‚ów o nas i jak to wszystko siÄ™ zaczęło...
Hodowla Penkivil to owoc mojej osobistej pasji i podążania w życiu za tym, co się kocha. Celem hodowli jest obserwacja rozwoju rasy i działania zmierzające do jej stałego ulepszania. Moim priorytetem, jest zapewnienie każdemu szczeniakowi jak najlepszego startu w życiu oraz znalezienie mu najlepszego, kochającego domu. Wierzę, że tylko wtedy pies wieść będzie naprawdę szczęśliwe życie - obok swojego człowieka.
W Penkivil szczeniÄ™ta sÄ… zawsze zaplanowane z wiÄ™kszym wyprzedzeniem i sÄ… efektem przeanalizowanych skojarzeÅ„ majÄ…cych na celu poprawÄ™ pogÅ‚owia rasy. Na oddzielnej podstronie SzczeniÄ™ta mogÄ… PaÅ„stwo znaleźć szczegóÅ‚y dotyczÄ…ce sposobu odchowu maluchów oraz aktualizacji nt. naszych planów hodowlanych.
Nasza hodowla jest zarejestrowana od 2015r. w Fédération Cynologique Internationale, organizacji jednoczÄ…cej hodowców psów na Å›wiecie od ponad stu lat.
Sama zaś jestem studentką medycyny weterynaryjnej, członkiem English Setter Association of America , od 2019 roku szkolę się jako asystent kynologiczny VII grupy FCI.
About me
My name is Marta Król, and I am very pleased to welcome you on this website.
Here is my story...
For some reason, since I remember, my family had a "no-animal" policy. One day, as a 7 year-old girl, I received a pocket album with photos and descriptions of 300+ dog breeds (instead of a real fluffy dog I wildly dreamed about). According to my parents, it was just another book to keep me interested in various topics. Little did they know that topic clicked in my head and, as a result, I shortly became fluent in recognising almost any dog breed I met.
Today, I still clearly remember the idea that flourished in my mind back then: "I'm going to own all these cute doggies one day". Well, for God's sake, that happily didn't come true :)
But, as years passed by and the pocket album got covered with dust, I still did not forget my genuine interest toward these wonderful creatures - dogs. As a teenage girl, after countless discussions with my family, I finally convinced my family to get my first dog! It was a tricolour beagle male, named Arnold. The day Arnold joined our family I got hopelessly "lost" in the dog world.
During my teenage years I took part in obedience classes, first dog shows, junior handling competitions and learned a ton about training, taking care of and living with a dog. After my beloved beagle passed away at the beautiful age of over 13 years - I felt lost and soon found out I could not live without a dog by my side...
I knew, though, I will not find a beagle that could replace beloved Arnold. My search revolved around the gundog group which I adored. After some time the choice was made: an English Setter.
As no puppies were available in the country at that time, Nela, an orange belton girl, joined our family arriving from hungarian Princess Pride kennel in 2015. Nela made our home filled with life and goofiness again. Thanks to this dog, I met many new friends, sharing the same passions and begun my own breeding programme.
Till this day, that small dog album has a special place in my heart. It reminds me of how it all started from a supposedly childish dream, that actually did come true.​
Apart from a joyful life close to dogs, I strive to be a responsible English Setter breeder, here at Penkivil FCI.
Penkivil to hodowla zarejestrowana w Zwiazku Kynologicznym w Polsce - jedynej organizacji w kraju zrzeszajÄ…cej hodowców psów od 1948 r. i bÄ™dÄ…cej czÅ‚onkiem FCI. Rodowody wydawane przez ZwiÄ…zek Kynologiczny w Polsce/FCI uznawane sÄ… na caÅ‚ym Å›wiecie.